You may get an error message and the program stops. It may occur immediately after installing a new version of the program or you log onto Windows as a different user.
It's due to security in Windows and means that the program was previously installed under a particular user and that's not you!
There are two solutions -
1. De-install Loadmaster. Browse to C:\ProgramData\ZiPZAP Computers Limited\ and delete the LOADMASTER folder you find here. You may need to authorise it as ADMINISTRATOR.
Re-install Loadmaster.
You will have to go into Setup/Local Parameters and complete this again.
OR another method (easier)
2. Go into My Computer then Local Disk C: and the folder ProgramData (not Program Files) and you will find a directory called ZiPZAP Computers Limited.
Enter this directory and you will see a folder called LOADMASTER. Right-click on this and choose PROPERTIES.
Click on the SECURITY tab. Half way down you will see a button that says EDIT. Click this.
You will get a new screen with a list of users. Click on the ADD button.
Add a user called
EveryoneHit the CHECK button. It will be accepted. Click on Everyone in the table. Put a tick in Full Control at the bottom and hit the APPLY button.
Now OK and come out. You can now access the system as another user.