Author Topic: Loadmaster - resolving slowness  (Read 8686 times)

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Loadmaster - resolving slowness
« on: July 05, 2019, 09:54:42 am »
Loadmaster is more than capable of supporting large number of users and storing huge amounts of data. Problems with slowness are usually due to external factors.

If you are using Windows 10 and you are the only user affected then it is suggested that you simply power down the computer and restart it. Slowness is often a sign of a Windows up-date that us waiting for a restart. Common signs can be a very slow response, a lack of network connection or programs getting a ?this program is not responding? message. A quick  restart often allows Windows to finish pending updates, characterised by a revolving circle with a percentage update message.

If this is not the case it is suggested that you go into Utilities then Data File Utilities and run the Healthcheck option.

Just click on the ?Check? button and let it run. Please note that it deliberately does not run in alphabetical order and you may find that some files take more time than others.

Make a note of any files it reports as having issues.

Just let this run. It may take a little time if you have a large amount of data. At the end you will get a message to say it has finished.

If you did get any files that were reported as having an issue then take the Reindex files option on the previous menu. Tick any files that were reported. Then just click on the Reindex button. Leave the type of reindex unless told otherwise. Now let it run. It will advise when it has finished.

If you believe that the problem is due to the amount of data in the JOBS file then you can archive the old data into the Jobs Archive file. This is simply an option on the Utilities menu. It is recommended that you always leave a full year of data on the system as often queries relate to this period and it is simply easier to locate and query.

We also recommend that you create PDF versions of ALL your invoices prior to archiving.

Once you have move JOBS into Archive then if you try to reprint old invoices then they may have less information on them, such as the town missing etc. This is because some of that information was in the JOBS file and that is now in the ARCHIVE file.

If you ever want to go back to data at an exact point in time then it is worth keeping a full sequence of backups.
