A number of changes will be occurring over the next few months. Hopefully our customers will not notice!
The zipzap.co.uk website is being moved from BT to Freeola. The EU site is already hosted with Freeola, along with the org.uk, parceltrak.com, parceltrak.co.uk and various others. Disruption in emails may occur to the .co.uk addresses but this is temporary.
The registered office will be moving around June to a new address. In anticipation and to avoid disruption we already have a phone number of 01158-882830 which will follow us around and be accessible at all times. The usual contact number for out of hours will remain the same.
The company will concentrate more on its core programs and enhance these, these include Loadmaster, Sameday, Claimtrak and Logman.
Will keep you informed what is going on. Any queries just ring or email.