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Windows / Windows 10 - going .. going ..
« Last post by norman on August 18, 2024, 10:05:42 pm »
If you can upgrade from Windows 10 to 11 then it's about time that you did it.

Unlike Windows 7 it seems that Microsoft are not going to let Windows 10 drag on.

If your computer cannot upgrade then you may end up buying a new one.  :-[

TPN Invoicing / Bug/Quirk in TPN Invoicing
« Last post by norman on August 16, 2024, 09:20:48 pm »
In these exact circumstances :-

1. You set an account to provide individual invoices for individual jobs
2. The first one has an additional charge of some type
3. You auto email the invoices

The totals on the first emailed invoices do not include the additional charge but if you print the invoice it is fine.

This has proven to be quite an odd one as the emailing of invoices and the standard invoice run use exactly the same code. It's as though it was going to print another page.


Loadmaster / Loadmaster - released 15/08/2024
« Last post by norman on August 16, 2024, 09:06:43 pm »
Added Eircodes to the Extras menu. Loc8ate was already there.

Both allow an Irish postcode to decompile the associated address. Note that this routine uses Google Maps to decipher it, as supplying an Eircode licence to every user would be a phenomenal cost and require quarterly updating.

Operational Status / Site swap
« Last post by norman on April 01, 2024, 06:01:22 pm »
Over the weekend we have swapped the Lincoln and Northampton computers over to test our resilience in the event of a site failure.

We have also moved our main code server from Windows to Ubuntu Linux to stop the annoyance of unscheduled updating which left the computer needing a reboot to install remaining packages.

Loadmaster / Loadmaster - released 25/01/2024
« Last post by norman on January 25, 2024, 08:37:38 pm »
New version. Among other things it allows the alteration of the RHA conditions on your invoices.

Loadmaster / Loadmaster released 20/06/2023
« Last post by norman on June 23, 2023, 07:54:10 pm »
A full list of changes can be found by going into the HELP menu and choosing the Whats New option.

Added a Sales Ledger type option on this release.

Loadmaster / Loadmaster released - 26/12/2020
« Last post by norman on January 02, 2023, 06:08:58 pm »
While containing some customer specific modifications this release allows very large backups of your data.

Previously the ZIP format only allowed individual compressed data files of up to 4GB. The Jobs and Archive files sometimes reached this.

This update works around this.

Miscellaneous / Code Signing Certificates
« Last post by norman on December 08, 2022, 03:54:49 pm »
Recently had fun getting a code signing certificate from Sertigo. You can only download it using either Internet Explorer 8+ on a PC or Firefox ESR on a Mac. Nothing else works at the moment.

I used a Mac with Firefox ESR which went as far as stage 5 where it downloaded a file called CollectCCC onto the Mac but it didn't seem to do anything else. I expected it to load it in the Keystore but no such luck.

In case anyone else has a problem, what I had to do was as follows :-

The downloaded file CollectCCC contained the public certificate signed by the certificate provider.

You have to rename the collected certificate to name.p7s (any name but with a .p7s extension)

I then copied this onto a Windows machine for ease of use.

I pulled the public p7s into the Personal certificate store using the Windows certificate manager.

I right-clicked on the certificate and exported it to the base64 format, saving it as name.cer

I downloaded and installed openssl

I then issued the following command to combine the signed name.cer certificate with my previously saved private key name.key

openssl pkcs12 -export -out NAME.pfx -inkey NAME.key -in NAME.cer

This creates a name.pfx file, which you can install directly in the Personal certificate store on the computer to sign executables and you can use the Windows certificate manager to add a friendly name to the certificate.

Miscellaneous / Some Microsoft web pages won't load
« Last post by norman on September 04, 2022, 09:52:00 pm »
An unusual effect. You go to most sites and they are OK. You go to log into Hotmail or other Microsoft sites and they just seem to hang.

We use System Mechanic and the Fingerprinting Check was set to ON in Chrome and Edge. Turning this OFF resolved the issue.

Other software / ParcelTrak
« Last post by norman on September 04, 2022, 09:34:31 pm »
Yes. We still support ParcelTrak!

It is DOS based but very advanced for its age. The program will continue to function if you run it under VDOS (free). It even supports Windows printers.

ParcelTrak was written in Retrieve 4GL, a 4GL database system sold by Sage. We were a Sage Sovereign Development Centre for many years.

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