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Messages - norman

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Other software / SHA1 security and expiry
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:16:06 pm »
If you have any 'old' setup routine from ourselves then it will be signed with a Comodo SHA1 code signing certificate.

SHA1 is being retired due to the possibility of being hackable in the near future. No new SHA1 certificates are being issued. Owing to changes by Microsoft and others these will no longer install after 01/01/2017 and you may get warnings during the installation until that time.

We will be recompiling our existing program setups with a Comodo SHA2 code signing certificate shortly. These will be available to all registered users.


Miscellaneous / SHA1 security and expiry
« on: March 02, 2016, 12:09:41 pm »
We currently sign all our programs with a Comodo SHA1 code signing certificate. We will be upgrading all installations to use a SHA2 code signing certificate in the near future.

This is due to a change in the computer industry as it is believed that the SHA1 standard is close to being hackable.

From 01/01/2016 SHA1 certificates are no longer being issued. Anything using SHA1 will be blocked after 01/01/2017. Until that time you will start getting warnings on things like Chrome where SHA1 is being used that they represent a security issue.


Linux / Lincoln Linux User Group meeting 16/03/2016
« on: February 18, 2016, 08:47:13 pm »
Next meeting at the Lincoln Bowl, Washingborough Road, Lincoln. 7.00pm.


Linux / Lincoln Linux User Group meeting 17/02/2016
« on: February 17, 2016, 10:41:17 am »
Meeting tonight at Lincoln Bowl 7.00pm.


Windev / Installing HFSQL on Linux
« on: February 15, 2016, 04:53:48 pm »
Copy the files manta_install and into your own Linux download directory under 'Home'.

Make manta_install executable using sudo chmod +x manta_install

Then -

sudo ./manta_install

Follow the on screen prompts. You MUST scroll and accept the readme or the INSTALL button won't appear.

The install loads the program as a service. Rebooting will start it up.

You must redirect port 4900 from the router to the HFSQL server to allow external use.

The HFSQL is very easy to install and maintain.

Note that the HFSQL is supplied under licence. It MUST be accompanied by programs developed in Windev and accessed at least by 50% of machines using Windev. It should not be seen as an easy and cheap alternative to MSSQL or MySQL and just accessed by ODBC. It has to be supplied as part of a complete package.

Note: These instructions relate to the 32 bit version, but the 64 bit is very similar. You should load the version that is the same as your operating system. You can run the 32 bit version on a 64 bit operating system.


Sameday Express / Created Sage TRANS.CSV file will not import into Sage
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:48:31 pm »
You get the message - "Unable to read any fields from the data you're trying to import"

This message appears if the file extension is in upper case, for example TEST.CSV or test.CSV. It needs to be TEST.csv or test.csv. It may also appear if there is a symbol in the folder name where the file is stored.


Rename the file to change the file extension to lower case. If the issue still occurs, check the folder name does not contain any symbols when you browse to the file in the Data Import wizard. If the folder does contain symbols, rename the required folder and import the file again.

Previously the case of the extension did not matter.


Loadmaster / Created Sage TRANS.CSV file will not import into Sage
« on: January 26, 2016, 03:47:48 pm »
You get the message - "Unable to read any fields from the data you're trying to import"

This message appears if the file extension is in upper case, for example TEST.CSV or test.CSV. It needs to be TEST.csv or test.csv. It may also appear if there is a symbol in the folder name where the file is stored.


Rename the file to change the file extension to lower case. If the issue still occurs, check the folder name does not contain any symbols when you browse to the file in the Data Import wizard. If the folder does contain symbols, rename the required folder and import the file again.

Previously the case of the extension did not matter.


Loadmaster / Slowness of use
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:06:04 am »
This usually indicates an underlying problem that the program is able to deal with - without crashing.

Go into Utilities/Data File Utilities and then Healthcheck. Run this on all the files.

If any are reported as having an issue then go into Utilities/Data File Utilities and Filefix. Tick the file concerned and click on the FIX button.

Other users can be logged in while this runs.


Sameday Express / Slowness of use
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:05:24 am »
This usually indicates an underlying problem that the program is able to deal with - without crashing.

Go into Utilities/Data File Utilities and then Healthcheck. Run this on all the files.

If any are reported as having an issue then go into Utilities/Data File Utilities and Filefix. Tick the file concerned and click on the FIX button.

Other users can be logged in while this runs.


Sameday Express / 'Version issue' problem
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:02:11 am »
On start up you get a message advising you that a new version is available but your version is already later than this.

This indicates that the version on the computer is not the same as the reference version on the web site. It can occur after someone manually downloads the latest version from the website and replaces one loaded through Autoloaders.

Simply locate the file WDUPDATE.NET which will either be in the program directory or C:\Program Data\ZiPZAP Computers\SamedayExpress and delete it. The message will go away.


Loadmaster / 'Version issue' problem
« on: January 22, 2016, 11:01:18 am »
On start up you get a message advising you that a new version is available but your version is already later than this.

This indicates that the version on the computer is not the same as the reference version on the web site. It can occur after someone manually downloads the latest version from the website and replaces one loaded through Autoloaders.

Simply locate the file WDUPDATE.NET which will either be in the program directory or C:\Program Data\ZiPZAP Computers\Loadmaster and delete it. The message will go away.


Loadmaster / 'Fatal Programming Error' following update
« on: January 22, 2016, 10:45:13 am »
You have just updated and you now get this message. It looks like a major issue but is in fact a minor one that can be corrected within a few moments.

Don't panic and continue to read the message. 'HCreationIfNotFound function called'. Then you get a message like 'The description of the logical file <Param> stored in the analysis is not compatible with the one stored in the physical file'.

It simply means that the structure of the file that your program is using is different to the existing one.

It usually occurs on a network where other users are actually using the system at the time of installation and they are using an older version of the program. Your program wants to update the file to a new structure but it cannot do it as the file is in use.

The solution is to get the others to log out and re-install the program. It will update the file structure to the correct one. You will then have to update the other users.

If the issue is not fixed then during the installation look out for the ADVANCED OPTIONS button. Click on this. You will now get an extra option during installation of 'Advanced options for automatic data modification'. Tick the option that says PERFORM THE AUTOMATIC MODIFICATION OF DATA IN INTERACTIVE MODE'. On the next screen you will now get an option to 'Find the data files corresponding to the application in a directory...' and by clicking this you will get a browse option to search for your data file directory. Do this and then CONTINUE.


Sameday Express / 'Fatal Programming Error' message following update
« on: January 22, 2016, 10:44:22 am »
You have just updated and you now get this message. It looks like a major issue but is in fact a minor one that can be corrected within a few moments.

Don't panic and continue to read the message. 'HCreationIfNotFound function called'. Then you get a message like 'The description of the logical file <Param> stored in the analysis is not compatible with the one stored in the physical file'.

It simply means that the structure of the file that your program is using is different to the existing one.

It usually occurs on a network where other users are actually using the system at the time of installation and they are using an older version of the program. Your program wants to update the file to a new structure but it cannot do it as the file is in use.

The solution is to get the others to log out and re-install the program. It will update the file structure to the correct one. You will then have to update the other users.

If the issue is not fixed then during the installation look out for the ADVANCED OPTIONS button. Click on this. You will now get an extra option during installation of 'Advanced options for automatic data modification'. Tick the option that says PERFORM THE AUTOMATIC MODIFICATION OF DATA IN INTERACTIVE MODE'. On the next screen you will now get an option to 'Find the data files corresponding to the application in a directory...' and by clicking this you will get a browse option to search for your data file directory. Do this and then CONTINUE.


General discussions / ODR and ADR - new EU legislation
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:55:15 am »
This is new legislation.

ODR means Online Dispute Resolution. The ODR platform is a web-based platform that is specifically designed to help consumers who have bought goods or services online and subsequently have a problem with that online purchase.

ADR means Alternative Dispute Resolution.

On the 15th February, 2016 new EU legislation comes into force to allow consumers to solve disputes with suppliers without having to go to court. It is a legal requirement that all suppliers have a link to the site containing the new legislation.



Apple / Updates 20/01/2016
« on: January 20, 2016, 11:03:56 am »
iOS 9.2.1 and OS X El Capitain 10.11.3 out!


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